Meet Our Donors
Bud and Ann Ramsay

Harford Community College means a great deal to Bud Ramsay. It is where he and his wife Ann met and graduated and although they went on to work, raise their family and serve in their beloved Harford County, the College has always played a pivotal role in their lives.
Ann became a teacher, public school principal and administrator for 25 years. She was inducted into the Harford County Public School Educator Hall of Fame and served as the President of the Harford County Retired Teachers Association.
Bud went into business after furthering his education in business from UMBC. He is now retired and continues to serve in a leadership capacity of many local civic organizations, many of which provide scholarships to HCC. In 2005 Ann and Bud created the Ramsay Family Endowment with a gift of $10,000. The endowment provides a $1,000 annual scholarship. The Ramsay’s felt very strongly about making a gift because they felt the College was where they got their start and they wanted to offer the same opportunity to others. Bud regularly attends the Annual Scholarship Reception where he is able to meet recipients of their scholarship and learn first hand the impact the scholarship has made on their lives.
The Ramsay’s generosity has not only been monetary in nature, both were active HCC volunteers. Bud served on the Foundation Board and Ann as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Foundation Board as well as Director of the Leadership Academy. In addition, both also served in leadership roles in the HCC Alumni & Friends Association.
Ann passed away in 2012, but she so believed in the mission of the College that she made a bequest in her will that would add to the family endowment and Bud’s goal is to continue to grow the endowment fund annually. The Ramsay’s leave a legacy of generosity and altruism that will benefit generations of students at Harford Community College.